In order to support bidirectional system integration, AlisQI can invoke external webhooks upon event triggers within AlisQI. These triggers are insert, update, delete , manual or date actions.

Webhooks are one of the actions in a Workflow.

When creating a Workflow you can specify the end point URL you want to invoke.

Tip: Use https://user:[email protected] format for HTTP basic authentication.


The webhook payload is identical to that of the getResults API operation.
See the in-app API documentation for a detailed description of the payload structure.

    "@id": 1337,
    "date": "2023-08-08 19:19:02",
    "product_": "Asy Novelo",
    "batch_": "B151123",
    "status_": "In production",
    "mixingvessel_": "MV 5",
    "rawmaterialbatch_": "MB-12",
    "appearance_": "Liquid",
    "colour_": "Green",
    "ph_": 3,
    "viscosity_": 750,
    "refractiveindex_": null,
    "remarks_": null,
    "raiseapd_": false,
    "pd_": null

Error reporting

Provide an error reporting email address to receive error reports in case of failed webhook invocations.

Overview of all webhooks

The Integration hub provides a list of all outgoing webhooks, as well as logs on their invocations.